Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Makerere only a mouth piece

It is november again, and of course, a time when humans begin to get tickled-up for the upcoming festivities, and the looming season of it all. Schools are doing, and others have finished their end of year academic exams. Also around this time, companies are compiling, editing and going about final touching with their books for the end of year accaountability to the stakers. End of year reports are the topmost nitch on the cooporate mind in the biz-village al'over.
And of course, it is definately happening al'over again, as quite alomst it should have always been expected, at Makerere University of Kampala. The strike clouds have been hoovering over the juirsidicated sky of The Mighty Ivory Tower of leraning, the one time pride of not just the pearl of Africa, but the continent altogehter!
Onething about this instituiton and its annual / perenial disease, is that before the symptoms actaully show up, it all begins like a cold that comes when you will catch either a couph or feaver in a matter of not more than 28hrs.
Well, it is just the 7th day of the month, aproximately a week or but less than two, when it did take place last year, and the strike is on rightnow, just when one was about to utter out somethink that sounds like "strikes are long gone on this campus", basing on the fact that there were two last year alone, and so far none this year.

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