Monday, November 06, 2006

And when U run?

Has God really been good?

Evidently, U can run but U can’t!!! Well, it’s been long since, but here we are again. And this time I had to carry everyone on my family team. We are a big family indeed as U can see from the attachments, but The Lord has been Really Ggoood to us.

Andddhh…, without wasting any of your time, am obliged at this level to just spill the attached content. I mean; let me introduce these guys before you can meet them in the next minute.

“Ladiz n Jentomen” (as you should notice from the ad –bar above (cc)), just Givvi’rup for my one in a lifetime lady @ my house: Viyoleti, and our Man of God, the boy CK.

Actually, he is Christian Kataama (sheep), and the other day on his dedication, our Bishop, Pastor Robert Kayanja scrapped our family name ‘KIRUNGI’ off the young lad’s paragraph of names, to add his very own KAYANJA, so it had 2 sound something like “Christian Kataama Kayanja”, instead of “Christian Kataama Kirungi”! And henceforth that day, the boy may be a Kirungi, but he is not Kirungi by name!!!

Of course we were all thumbs-up about it! And the entire Congregation called him BLESSED!!!

Did I mention somewhere ‘a para of names’?

Yes indeed; it’s a whole paragraph that goes something like: Christian Simon Trust Timothy Kataama Kirungi Kayanja Abwoli. I mean, this young man has a whole property of names. But we thought it would be nice not to call him by most of them, as a tool of protecting him from confusion. And so on your next appointment to meet with him, be learned enaf with what 2 call him. OK !!!

The other guy in the pix?

Just the helper; don’t worry about him !!!

Blessings from us:

The LOVE_RULED Kirungi’s

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